Guide to service

Spending a year of your life as a student missionary (SM) is a major commitment. The application process takes time and involves significant preparation—meeting with returned SMs, a training retreat, a class about cross-cultural missions, and more. But time and growth are what meaningful journeys are made of, and the preparation process helps ensure that you’ll have the best mission service experience possible.

And you don’t take this journey alone. Our Student Missions team is here every step of the way to answer your questions, help you with paperwork, share knowledge from their own mission experiences, and most importantly, pray and envision with you on where God may be calling you to serve.

Our prayer is that as you embark on this journey, you will allow God to root and ground you in His love so that you may be filled with the fullness of God (Ephesians 3:17-19), and the overflow of that experience will become your individual service story!

An overview of the steps to your service journey

1) Learn

2) Apply

3) Vision

Dates to Remember

October - December

  • Ideal time to start the application process (especially for competitive calls).

January - March

  • Make sure your passport is valid for two or more years.
  • Talk with a variety of returned SMs to help you explore calls.
  • Get fundraising letter written and approved.
  • Register for Cross-Cultural Ministry class (online or at WWU).
  • Start sending out your fundraising letters. (Remember the Early Bird Travel Scholarship!)
  • March 31 - Deadline for Early Bird Travel Scholarship (have passed second screening and have 100 envelopes addressed and stamped*).

April - June

  • April - Finalize SM call (if not done already).
  • May 2-3 - Attend SM retreat.
  • May TBA - Attend teacher or deaning workshops (optional but encouraged).
  • May 16 - Attend and participate in SM dedication vespers.
  • May - June
    • Finish missions class (online or at WWU).
    • Make sure you have your necessary travel immunizations.

*If the location is not yet finalized, the Early Bird Travel Scholarship may still be obtained by addressing and stamping 100 envelopes so they are ready for letters later approved.

Commonly asked questions

The truth is, God did not call you because you already have the perfect skills, talents, or knowledge needed to serve. He called you because you made yourself available. Perhaps you’re struggling with feeling like you have the wrong motive for service or that you are not dedicated enough to serve well. If that’s you, rest easy and remember that God doesn’t necessarily need us for His work but, because of His great love, He chooses to work in and through us to accomplish His purposes. He will give you resources, provide for you, equip you with what you need to get the job done, and ultimately, grow you through the joys and challenges of your SM journey.

This process begins by praying for guidance. It is also helpful to take a personal inventory of your personality, skills, and interests, and then gather as much information as you can about what opportunities there are. (Our Mission Opportunities page is a great place to start!) The Associate Chaplain for Missions and other office staff are happy to listen, pray, share ideas and help connect you with former student missionaries and organization contacts who can help answer more specific questions.

Most calls outside the U.S. are teaching, in either elementary or high school, or tutoring students of various ages. These calls offer structure and usually a living stipend. However, these aren’t the only positions available. There are also positions for assistant pastors, English tutors, assistant deans, teacher’s aides, maintenance workers, librarians, office assistants, hospital assistants, child care assistants and more! Specific calls can be created personally but only for students who complete their application early in the school year.

Probably one of the greatest needs is in the Central Pacific islands (Micronesia and the Marshall Islands). You can find other locations that student missionaries have served in the recent past on our Mission Opportunities page.

The money students fundraise help cover the following expenses: travel, insurance, living allowance, emergency funds, orientation and reentry retreats, packages, and other program costs. You are only responsible for fundraising the goal needed for your specific call. If the cost of the ticket, insurance, emergencies, etc., exceeds the goal, we absorb the expense. Funds raised above your goal and expenses will go to assist the overall Student Missions program, including supporting other student missionaries. It is helpful to remember that funds are raised to support the Student Missions program to support you, not to you individually.

When you serve through our Student Missions program, you are registered for the SMTF-100 experiential program for each quarter that you are out. Since you are enrolled as a student, your student loans are deferred as though you were a student on campus. Graduates do not qualify for this, but our office can provide a letter you can give your student loan companies to help defer your loans if you choose to serve through our program.

If you are serving outside the United States, you will need a passport. If you need to apply for a passport, allow several months for processing. Many students already have current passports. We ask for a scanned copy of your passport so we can check to be certain it is valid for your trip. Please note that U.S. citizens must have a passport that will not expire for at least six months after their return date.

Besides care packages and regular communication, prayer, and support from the Associate Chaplain for Missions and student prayer partners, we register you for experiential credit, coordinate with travel agents for flight changes, manage finances, and offer guidance during emergencies or when contacting insurance. It is extremely important to us that you feel heard and supported while serving.

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